Thursday, 12 February 2015

'Moorish Bazaar'

The Moorish Bazaar
'Moorish Bazaar' by Rudolf Ernst 1854-1932 via Wikimedia Commons

It is not clear where this was painted. The Austrian painter Rudolf Ernst travelled to Spain, Morocco, Istanbul and Egypt to document life as he saw it.

Monday, 2 February 2015

Tea: Fancy a Cuppa?

Land girls enjoy a hot cup of tea after a hard day of rat-catching on a Sussex farm during 1942. Source: Ministry of Information via Wikimedia Commons

A few weeks ago, a southern African friend of mine was dropping me back home after a thirsty morning of shopping. It was a hot afternoon, and we were gasping for some refreshments. I invited my friend in for a ‘cuppa’ (British English for a cup of tea). "Iced tea?", she queried hopefully. To her disappointment, my considerable collection of tea solely consisted of the hot beverage kind. She exclaimed: "You're so British! Whoever heard of drinking hot tea on a day like this!"